Dulcimer Solos (DIGITAL PRODUCT)
Dulcimer Solos (DIGITAL PRODUCT)
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A lot of folks have asked me how to add variations to their fiddle tunes. This book contains 20 advanced, bluegrassy versions of standard fiddle tunes. (46 pages) These arrangements represent some of my fanciest playing. Like the Finger Pickin' Good on the previous page, I've indicated left-hand fingerings for every note. The accompanying 41 MP3s audio files cover each arrangement in the book played very slow and up to speed. Clean fingering gets tricky when adding upper-neighbors, lower-neighbors, open-notes, and passing tones to your favorite tunes. This book shows you how I do it. It also adds to the variety by including cool endings and melodic riffs I’ve learned from fiddlers and guitar players. When you perform a tune, you’ve got to tell a story. These fancy arrangements are perfect for the last time through the tune. Leave your listeners wanting more.
Angeline the Baker, Arkansas Traveler, Barlow Knife, Bile Them Cabbage Down, Cherokee Shuffle, Flop-Eared Mule, Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss, Forked Deer, June Apple, Kitchen Girl, Mississippi Sawyer, Old Joe Clark, Red Wing, Rock the Cradle Joe, Saint Anne’s Reel, Sandy Boys, Soldier’s Joy, Spotted Pony, Whiskey Before Breakfast, Yellow Rose of Texas