Stephen Seifert

Mountain Dulcimer Player

Homepage of Mountain Dulcimer performer and teacher Stephen Seifert.

I’m excited to be teaching and performing at my 15th online QuaranTune Virtual Dulcimer Fest, February 13-16, 2025. To learn more and to register, please visit QuaranTune Winter Fest 2025. Titles, descriptions, preview videos, and handout samples are below.

NEW - Stephen Seifert's QuaranTUNE Winter Fest 2025 WAITING LIST - If you tried to register for one of my classes but found it was full, there's USUALLY a way on the website to join a waiting list for that class. I encourage you to do that first, but ALSO do it here. If I get enough interest, I might just teach the class a second time a week or two AFTER the festival. Re-visit this form to update your selections. MY waiting list:

Stephen Seifert: Fastest Way to Know Chords All Over the Mountain Dulcimer
(Friday, Session 1, Level 3 - Intermediate, Mountain Dulcimer)

My system helps you learn major and minor chords all over the fingerboard. Use these movable chord shapes to play backup, play melody and chords at the same time, and come up with your own intros, endings, licks, and riffs.

Direct link to class: (This link will only work once registration opens.)

Preview video and handout sample:

Stephen Seifert: Fingerpicking Blues Tunes for the 1-3-5 Tuning
(Friday, Session 2, Level 5 - Advanced, Mountain Dulcimer)

I’ve cracked the code on this versatile tuning! (We’ll be using D F# A.) This intuitive approach gives your diatonic dulcimer all kinds of cool notes and chords. Using comfortable fingerings and a swinging right hand, we’ll work through six short fingerstyle blues pieces I think you’re going to love.

Direct link to class: (This link will only work once registration opens.)

Preview video and handout sample:

Stephen Seifert: Beginner Harmonica - Jam Tunes, Folk Songs, and Hymns
(Friday, Session 4, Level 1 - Absolute Beginner, Harmonica)

[2-Hour Masterclass] Learn to play jam tunes, folk songs, and hymns on a 10-hole diatonic harmonica. (This is the most popular type of harmonica.) I’ll be using a key-of-D harmonica in this class. We’ll cover holding, scales, chords and melody at the same time, and a little on bending. Need a harmonica for this class? I recommend you immediately order key-of-D East Top T008K Blues ($25) or a key-of-D Hohner Special 20 ($49) from Amazon.

Direct link to class: (This link will only work once registration opens.)

Preview video and handout samples:

Stephen Seifert: Master Six Simple Jam Tunes
(Friday, Session 6, Level 2 - Novice, Mountain Dulcimer)

It’s not hard to get you playing these common jam tunes, but I want to show you how to have fun with them, how to play these in a way that makes them much more interesting. With these six, you can probably play with dulcimer players anywhere. Tunes include “Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss,” “Liza Jane,” “Mississippi Sawyer,” “Old Joe Clark,” “Soldier’s Joy,” and “Whiskey Before Breakfast.”

Direct link to class: (This link will only work once registration opens.)

Preview video and handout samples:

Stephen Seifert: Learn to Play the Way Grandpa Learned
(Saturday, Session 1, Level 1 - Absolute Beginner, Mountain Dulcimer)

There’s nothing wrong with reading music as you play, but do yourself a favor and walk with me through some of the older ways people still use to learn tunes WITHOUT written music. (You’ll still get tablature and a review video for everything we do.)

Direct link to class: (This link will only work once registration opens.)

Preview video and handout sample:

Stephen Seifert: Old-Time Fiddle Tunes I’ve Been Loving Lately
(Saturday, Session 2, Level 3 - Intermediate, Mountain Dulcimer)

These tunes have been turning up in jams more and more over the last bunch of years. You need some new ones, and I'm sure some of these will scratch your itch. Bring a capo. While this is mostly a repertoire class, expect a good bit of advice on how to improve your technique. Tunes include “Blackberry Blossom,” “Greasy Coat,” “Quince Dillon’s High D,” and “Train on the Mountain.”

Direct link to class: (This link will only work once registration opens.)

Video preview and handouts samples:

Stephen Seifert: German Folk Music Favorites
(Saturday, Session 4, Level 4 - Upper-Intermediate, Mountain Dulcimer)

These are well-known songs with beautiful and playable melodies. Besides helping you get them down, I’m going to show some tricks I’ve gleaned from studying this music, tricks to make the simple much more interesting. Tunes include “Kein schöner Land,” “Im schönsten Wiesengrunde,” “Und jetzt gang i ans Peters Brünnele,” “Nun will der Lenz uns grüßen,” and “Tief im Böhmerwald.”

Direct link to class: (This link will only work once registration opens.)

Video preview and handout sample:

Stephen Seifert: English Folk Ballads
(Saturday, Session 6, Level 5 - Advanced, Mountain Dulcimer)

These are the most beautiful melodies! I’ll share with you a bunch of tunes I picked up from English books and recordings over the years. Fingerpicking techniques, too. Tunes include “Lark in the Morning,” “All Things are Quite Silent,” “The Basket of Eggs,” and “The Blacksmith.”

Direct link to class: (This link will only work once registration opens.)

Preview video and handout sample: