Stephen Seifert

Mountain Dulcimer Player

Homepage of Mountain Dulcimer performer and teacher Stephen Seifert.

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(REGISTRATION will remain open even AFTER Steve Fest has ended. This way, you can add classes at any point. If you register for a past class or a class you can’t attend, you will still have access to the handouts, and you will still receive a video for the class.)

THIS IS AN ONLINE EVENT. (All students will receive review videos for each class.)

[Handouts and Zoom session links will be sent via email at least a day before the scheduled session.]

[Current MountainDulcimerAtoZ.COM subscribers save 20% on all my live events, online and in-person. To get your coupon code, visit MountainDulcimerAtoZ.COM and click on “Save on Live Events” in the main menu. You must be logged in as a current subscriber for this menu item to appear. Come back here to StephenSeifert.COM, and enter the coupon code at checkout.]

I’ve always dreamed of starting a weekend festival, but I didn’t know what to do about insurance, facility rental, janitors, volunteers, etc. Long story short, about a year ago, I was sitting around the house, and it occurred to me: Steve Fest ONLINE. Steve Fest 2020 was a success. Let’s do it again in 2021!

Here’s the deal. There’s five one-hour workshops everyday, Thursday through Sunday, September 2-5, 2021. There’s a concert on Thursday evening and level specific jams every evening. Using the registration link below, sign up just for the classes you’re interested in. I’ll be teaching using the Zoom platform. Concerts and jams will be in Zoom, as well.

I guess that’s about it. And in case you’re wondering, it’s not all about Steve, it’s all about you. Let’s have some fun. This world seems crazy lately. Come hide out at Steve Fest for a while and get your smile on. :)

***** Tickets for the jam sessions are FREE, but please add them to your cart so I know how many to expect.


Click HERE to register.


Practicing Toolbox - Session 1 - Beginners with Some Experience
Thursday, September 2, 9:00 am - 10:00 am, Central Time Zone

Make the best use of your time and become the kind of musician you want to be. I’ll show you a bunch of specific examples for most aspects of playing. Expect scales, fingerings, how to get good at the hard stuff, metronomes, and more. DAD tuning.

Medieval Jam Tunes - Session 2 - Lower Intermediate
Thursday, September 2, 10:30 am to 11:30, Central Time Zone

I love these melodies! Most of them are French hurdy-gurdy tunes. They fit PERFECTLY on the mountain dulcimer. No extra frets needed. DAD tuning - capo sometimes needed.

Generate Multiple Parts for Group and Solo Playing - Session 3 - Intermediate
Thursday, September 2, 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm, Central Time Zone

We'll cover chords, chops, harmonies, playing in multiple octaves, NOT playing, and a whole lot more, including backing up someone’s singing or your own if you like. DAD tuning.

Exactly How to Use Cool Licks to Make Your Playing Unique - Session 4 - Upper Intermediate
Thursday, September 2, 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm, Central Time Zone

We’ll work with the three most common chord shapes and use them to generate all kinds of cool licks to spice up everything you play. This is exactly how I do it. DAD tuning.

Late Night Festival Jam Tunes - Session 5 - Advanced
Thursday, September 2, 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm, Central Time Zone

“Bull of the Wagon”, “Tator Patch”, and “Texas” - We always play these after most folks head for bed. Stay up and play them with us! DAD tuning, capo 4.

Thursday Concert
Thursday, September 2, 2021, from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM Central Time

This is the only Steve Fest concert.


Five Things I Wish I Knew as a Beginning Dulcimer Player - Session 6 - Beginners with Some Experience
Friday, September 3, 9:00 am - 10:00 am, Central Time Zone

I clearly remember my early days as a beginner. I’m going to share with you five foundational skills to help make playing fun. We’ll cover “Cotton Eyed Joe”, “Sourwood Mountain”, and “Amazing Grace”. DAD tuning.

Easy Fingerpicking with Sweet Hour of Prayer and Pretty Saro - Session 7 - Lower Intermediate
Friday, September 3, 10:30 am to 11:30, Central Time Zone

Learn a super simple fingerpicking style using mountain favorites “Sweet Hour of Prayer”, and “Pretty Saro”. DAD tuning.

Why and How to Use Your Capo - Session 8 - Intermediate
Friday, September 3, 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm, Central Time Zone

Capos are necessary and fun. We'll start with what makes a good capo, how to put it on, and how to use it to get a lot of cool music out of the dulcimer. I'll bring a handful of my favorite capo tunes. DAD/DGD tuning. Bring a capo.

David Schnaufer's arrangement of “Santa Anna’s Retreat” Session 9 - Upper Intermediate
Friday, September 3, 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm, Central Time Zone

Learn David Schnaufer's arrangement of “Santa Anna’s Retreat”. (EAD tuning) David won the first Winfield competition playing this tune!

David Schnaufer’s Composition “Morning Birds” for Four-Equidistant Dulcimer - Session 10 - Advanced
Friday, September 3, 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm, Central Time Zone

Learn David Schnaufer’s composition “Morning Birds”. using four equidistant strings tuned DADD, capo 4.

Friday Beginner Jam
Friday, September 3, 2021, from 6 PM to 7PM, Central Time Zone

Tickets for the jam sessions are FREE, but please add them to your cart so I know how many to expect.


Learn Like Grandpa Did - Session 11 - Beginners with Some Experience
Saturday, September 4, 9:00 am - 10:00 am, Central Time Zone

I’ll teach you exactly how to read hands the way some people read sheet music. While tab will be handed out at the end of the session, the focus will be learning in a “do-as-I-do” style similar to what folks did in the old days. DAD tuning.

A Guide to Fun and Easy Music - Session 12 - Lower Intermediate
Saturday, September 4, 10:30 am to 11:30, Central Time Zone

I’ll bring a number of super simple tunes, but more importantly, I’ll show you how to make a beginner version of just about every dulcimer jam tune out there. DAD tuning.

Mountain Dulcimer Chord College: Get Your Degree! - Session 13 - Intermediate
Saturday, September 4, 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm, Central Time Zone

Learn the three main chord shapes and how to use them for backup and chord melody. Getting your eyes and hands used to these shapes makes everything else easier. DAD tuning.

The Complete Guide to Playing with a One-and-a-Half Fret - Session 14 - Upper Intermediate
Saturday, September 4, 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm, Central Time Zone

You've got this extra fret. Now what? It's GREAT for backup chords, sprucing up your melodies in simple ways, and playing slightly more sophisticated chord-melody arrangements. I'll show you everything I know. DAD/DGD tuning.

David Schnaufer’s Composition “Viper Moon” for Three-String Dulcimer Tuned DGD - Session 15 - Advanced
Saturday, September 4, 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm, Central Time Zone

(DGD tuning) David wrote this with David Grisman's DAWG style of music in mind. I think it's one of the coolest dulcimer tunes ever!

Saturday Intermediate Jam
Saturday, September 4, 2021, from 6 PM to 7PM, Central Time Zone

Tickets for the jam sessions are FREE, but please add them to your cart so I know how many to expect.


Easy Hymns - Session 16 - Beginners with Some Experience
Sunday, September 5, 9:00 am - 10:00 am, Central Time Zone

These are some of my favorite hymns, and they’re not hard to play. DAD tuning.

“Sí Beag Sí Mór”, Twice the Irish Fun - Session 17 - Lower Intermediate
Sunday, September 5, 10:30 am to 11:30, Central Time Zone

Learn two versions of the classic Irish waltz “Sí Beag Sí Mór”, one easy and one fancier. DAD tuning.

Fun Flatpicked Traditional Fiddle Tunes - Session 18 - Intermediate
Sunday, September 5, 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm, Central Time Zone

Flatpicking is playing the melodies across the three strings hitting one string at a time. I've developed a new and effective way of teaching this technique, and I want to share it with you. Rather than just sight-reading through complex arrangements, we'll make simple tunes sound fancier with minimal effort. By the end of the session, you’ll know how to convert your favorite single-string melodies to across-the-string hits. DAD tuning.

Playable Fancy Tunes in the 1-3-5 Tuning - Session 19 - Upper Intermediate
Sunday, September 5, 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm, Central Time Zone

The 1-3-5 tuning allows regular dulcimers to play chromatic music. In addition to bringing some cool arrangements, I'll show you some tips on how to make your own arrangements in this versatile tuning. DF#A Tuning.

David Schnaufer’s Arrangement of Bach’s “Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring” for Four-Equidistant Dulcimer - Session 20 - Advanced
Sunday, August 1, 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm, Central Time Zone

DADD tuning, capo 3. This one blows me away. Always have. I’m ending Steve Fest with one of my all-time favorites. We’ll work through a simpler version, first. Then, we’ll play through a note-for-note transcription of David’s playing.

Sunday Advanced Jam
Sunday, September 5, 2021, from 6 PM to 7PM, Central Time Zone

Tickets for the jam sessions are FREE, but please add them to your cart so I know how many to expect.

Testimonials from Past Classes

“It is evident that Mr. Seifert has invested a considerable amount of effort into creating this course. The quality and quantity of information is excellent for any learning level. I can highly recommend the Mountain Dulcimer A to Z Class.”

“Some people are great performers, but you are that AND a great teacher, the way you break things down.”

“I don't have to drive. I don't have to pack a lunch. I'm in familiar surroundings. I am not leaving my husband and worrying about him. I can see your hands very clearly. I can see your facial expressions. I am not distracted by other players. I'm physically comfortable. I don't have to pay for a hotel. I can enjoy the 'company' of others. I don't have to panic if I see you coming around to watch me play. I'm not embarrassed that my neighbor hears me mess up.”

“Stephen Seifert's online Dulcimer A-Z class was the best! As you know, he is a fabulous musician and that does not always translate into being a good teacher; but in this case it does. He's charismatic, interesting, and tells great stories. He presents the information in the lessons logically and sequentially with many reviews of the material along the way, so that you do not feel lost.”

“I really like online learning! You can see Stephen's hands clearly, as well as his facial expressions which is so important. You're in the comfort of your own home and yet you can interact with the other students. It was my first time and I'm sold!”

“I was a bit skeptical at first. But by the end of my third day, I was pleasantly surprised and so glad I decided to join the online class. After 2+ years of playing/practicing, I consider myself at the intermediate level dipping my toe into the advanced level. I think I probably learned as much, if not more, online as I would have in-person. I would highly recommend this course for anyone wanting to learn how to play the dulcimer in the comfort of their own home.“

“Thank you for another great class. You are an incredible teacher.”

“14 Reasons to take this class online. No travel stress. No travel expenses. Being part of a dulcimer community and meeting new folks without sharing germs. Learning with one of the very best mountain dulcimer teachers using time-tested methods that help you retain what you learn. Software is very easy to learn and use. No distractions from others around you. A longer, better night's sleep in your own bed. No finding food. Less meeting fatigue, easier to focus with an up-close unobstructed speaker view. Practicing what you learn without bothering anyone around you. The ability to take a break or skip a session--if you miss something, you can find it in the review videos. Actually learning new techniques and repertoire instead of meaning to get around to it. Great use of quarantine time--learning an art that can be shared to bring happiness to people and help them heal. Feeling, while you're engaged in the class, like the world's back to normal (priceless).”

“Your teaching style is excellent. The best teachers talk to the audience, something you excel at. Sharing your personal life stories was great and very much added to the enjoyment. All the talk about chickens, how to make tea, your beard, lawn cutting; it all added to the experience. I would not change a thing. You have the ability to make the student feel as if they are having a private lesson with a good friend.”

“If you are a new student who feels intimidated or uncomfortable playing in front of others, this is the first class you should take. I would suggest you take this class before you even take a private lesson, and certainly before you attend any other education class. Steve opens up a new world to the player who feels that the only way to play at first is by-the-book. If you come away with nothing else you will come away with the understanding that this instrument has some fundamentals coupled with unlimited potential. Steve teaches the instrument which is much more than how to play the dulcimer. Steve is an excellent teacher. He will compare to or exceed the best teacher you ever had in school.”

“Thank you so much for doing the zoom meeting for the dulcimer class. It was a perfect setup for me as a beginner and one that gets a little flustered when in a group setting while learning something new. Your teaching skills along with your patience and sense of humor made this class very comfortable for me. I really enjoyed being able to watch up close as you played what you were teaching. Playing a musical instrument isn’t easy for me, but I will continue to put to good use everything you shared.”

“The A to Z class was exactly what I needed. I absorbed more at the time than I imagined was possible. Thank you!”